Other Side Village begins housing residents; public open house scheduled for January 27
The Other Side Village, a tiny-home community to address chronic homelessness, opened to its first residents in December. A public open house is scheduled for January 27.
Trash pick-up collection days changing February 3
On February 3, residential trash pick-up collection days are changing throughout Salt Lake City, including for the Westside, which moves from Friday to Wednesday.
Grant program launches to help Westside non-profit organizations
Air Quality Alert: How mobile air quality monitors reveal neighborhood-level disparities
HEAL Utah launched a fleet of mobile air quality monitors on Salt Lake's Westside to overcome the limitations of stationary monitors.
Westside residents receive e-bike vouchers from Salt Lake City
Of more than 2,000 applicants, 277 Salt Lake residents were awarded e-bike vouchers to help decrease driving and promote cleaner air.
Analysis shows UTA provides more benches and shelters on east side routes
Salt Lake's east side has better bus stop facilities than the Westside, according to a report from The Utah Investigative Journalism Project.
Amid Westside development, El Asadero restaurant fights to preserve its legacy and future
Booming development on North Temple has created struggles for local business owners like Margarito Parra and wife Imelda Morales.
Salt Lake City receives loan, launches program to replace lead pipes
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Quetzal Imports: A Westside market specializing in Guatemalan cuisine and sundries
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Salt Lake City launches incentive program for potential e-bike owners
Salt Lake City is launching a new voucher incentive program to help residents purchase a new e-bike. The city hopes this will help air quality to improve in the area.
Fairpark’s Culture Coffee offers a unique blend of coffee and community
Local chef Miles Ellis recommends Fairpark’s Culture Coffee for the food, drinks, and community — and the music and arcade games aren’t bad, either.
Jordan River cleanup attracts nearly 400 volunteers for Earth Day
Nearly 40 volunteers descended on the Jordan River for an Earth Day clean up operation kicked off by My Hometown.
Affordable housing community for SLC's chronically homeless under construction
Phase One construction of The Other Side Village, a community of tiny homes for the chronically unhoused, is under way, including sewer lines, manholes, and infill.
Op-Ed: Community Land Trusts are the future of affordable housing
U of U grad student Ryan Hunter argues that community land trusts can help solve Salt Lake City’s housing crisis by expanding access to home ownership.
Rose Park community festival and interfaith roundtable foster unity
A community festival and interfaith roundtable aim to foster unity and build connections between Rose Park neighbors.
SLC Public Lands reviewing input on future of Glendale’s Peace Labyrinth
Salt Lake City’s Department of Public Lands is seeking input from Westside residents on the future of the Peace Labyrinth Open Space.
My Hometown is cleaning up Westside neighborhoods
My Hometown Salt Lake City helps Westside residents with beautification projects and provides resources like language classes, computer training, and more.
The Neighborhood House marks 130 years with events and celebrations
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Love Your Block provides mini grants to Westside residents for community improvement projects
Love Your Block mini grants give Westside residents funds to complete community improvement projects. The next application period opens in January.
Roses in the Garden mural installation features women with lasting Westside legacies
A mural series in Rose Park celebrates women whose legacies are contributions to Salt Lake’s Westside. Meet each one of them here.